
Cheater! Citations, MLA, and the Net.

Complete the following assignments.


Now that you have registered for Turnitin, complete the following assignments.

A. Quotations

You must know how to use and integrate quotations properly.  Read this article. You will be tested on this information later in this assignment.

B. MLA and Citations

MLA format is used for most English assignments. It addresses basic layout and citations.

Head to this page and learn how to properly use MLA format.

Even images and photographs must be cited and, no, your source is not "google image search" or This One Dude's Pinterest. Google is no more your source than "the library" is the source of information you found in a book you signed out. Your source is the original source of the image (to the degree that the original source can be determined).

You will find information on how to properly cite other sources at  this reliable site.

Calvin and Hobbes, by Bill Watterson.

C. Put it all together! Cheat / Quote / Cite

According to our First Day Assignment, many people did not recognize that ALL of the examples listed in the Plagiarism Question would be considered plagiarism. To further our investigation of plagiarism and how to avoid it, complete the following exercise (in which you will be asked to cheat) and submit it to Turnitin

Select a topic of interest to you. Any topic.

Locate an article or essay online that relates to that topic. DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA. Try to find an article that has accurate information.

Cut and paste a section of that article or essay into a word document (in short, cheat).

Change two words.

Add some material of your own. This information can be real or entirely fabricated.

USING WIKIPEDIA, find a non-Wikipedia source that also addresses your topic.

Properly integrate a quotation from this second source into the assignment.

Format the assignment and create a "Works Cited" page. Ensure that your page adheres to MLA format.

Submit the assignment to our class at Turnitin.com.

Check your results (you may have a short wait, and you likely will have to refresh).

We will discuss the results next week.

D. BONUS: Using Google, identify the source of ONE of the following images:


E. When you have finished, continue with independent silent reading. Details on how to document and comment on your reading in the Writers Journal will have magically appeared at our Google Classroom

Photo copyright 2013, englandlibrary.edublogs.org