
Types of Narration

Sit down, and I'll tell you a story....

Narrative Point-of-view: The perspective and voice from which information and impressions are conveyed.  Determined by choice of narrator.:

First person: One character serves as narrator, telling the narrative from their point of view.  Includes words such as “I”, “me”, “mine”, “we”, “our”, et cetera.

Third Person: The story is told by an external voice observing the events. Third person narration may be further divided into omniscient, limited omniscient, and objective third person narrators (these terms, while problematic, are in general use).

Second Person: “You” are the narrator (rare). We might associate it with videogames and “choose your own adventure” books, but it has also appeared in more conventional literary works. One of Timothy Findley’s narrators in The Wars is a second-person narrator. “You” are a researcher in the 1970s, examining the life of the protagonist that is elsewhere in the novel narrated by third and first person narrators.)

Other experimental approaches to narration exist, but you will encounter them less often.