
"On the Sidewalk, Bleeding"

The complete text of the story may be found here.

1. How does this story try to hook the reader’s attention at the start? (1)
2. What has occurred just before this story begins? (1)
3. Describe the main character. Include a physical detail and one aspect of personality. Support comments on personality with a specific reference to the story. (3)
4. Is Andy a round or flat character? Support your answer. (2)
5. Identify one mood for this story. Support your answer with a specific reference to the story. (2)
6. Why did the author choose to include the old woman in this story? (1)
7. Why does Andy remove his jacket? (1)
8. A theme is a statement or question a story makes about life in general. What is a possible theme of this story? (1)

Writing: (3)