
Grade 11 University Exam Preparation

First- draft reading

       Identify words and phrases you find confusing. Clear up your confusion by using the dictionary, inferencing or context clues.
       Identify a variety of text features and explain how they help communicate meaning.
       REACT: Write down your initial personal reactions.
Second-draft reading

       Identify the most important ideas and the supporting details in the text.
       Pick out themes.

Third-draft reading
       Make and explain inferences of increasing subtlety about texts.
       Make appropriate and increasingly rich connections between the ideas in the text and yourself, other texts, and the world.
       Identify literary devices and figurative language.
Fourth-draft reading

       As you read the article this time, try to imagine what might have motivated the author to write it. Generate questions you’d like to ask the author.
       Write a thematic statement for the article.
       Identify the author’s bias.

You will find your practice reading HERE.