
The Mystery of Teh Secret Bunker

One morning Kim waked up and she ate brekfast. She had cornflakes they tasted good. Afterwards, she petted her neighbours cat, Socks. She left her house and walked to school, hoping to see her freind, Ryan. On her way to school she looked in an alley, where she seen some random guy being killed by 3 tuff girls. The three viscous murderer’s saw her and they all shouted, "Hey! That girl saw us! Get that girl!" “Oh no!” Said Kim. Kim was real scared as scared as if a herd of elephants were chasing her so she started running down the dark street. Its really dark because theres no moon out that night so its dark yep sure is real dark.  “Were gonna get you, Kim,” shouted the killers. “LOL.”

She decided to run to the Secret Bunker she new about but the three killers still chased her. 

The killer's were gaining on her. She ran to the bunker and decided to hide in it. Turning the handle of the door, she jumped up the stairs to the second floor. Wear she hid behind some old boxes she could hear the killer's wondering around the bunker. "She's somewhere around here." The first killer espostulated. "I know I seen her come in here!" The second killer exploded. "Were gonna get you, Kim!" She was scared but all he could think about were her parents, Ryan and Socks.

 From were she was hiding Kim pushed a box on top of one of the killer's and knocked him out. The noise gave her position away and the other one pointed his gun at Kim. Just than the cop's drived up and tackled the two crooks and put them in jail for life. She was defiantly happy her ordeal was over. After that the police offered a her a job but Kym said no I already have one J